Unions constantly have to vote on an arrray of issues. This is no different for the Vereniging Nederlandse Verkeersvliegers (VNV), also known as Dutch ALPA (Airline Pilots Association), a union affiliated with Dutch Airlines. Secretary General of the VNV, Daan Zwart, explains in the interview how online voting helped boost the organization’s voter turnout by approximately 20%.

We are delighted to welcome Antonia Reichwein and Margarita Udovychenko on board as election managers. They started working in March and have taken on the roles of managing client and setting up elections. In an interview with the pair, we asked what was the attraction of online voting and how the first few weeks have been.

Today we are taking a look at the Hungarian parliamentary system ahead of the upcoming election on Sunday. Read on to learn more about how the 199 seats in parliament are divided up. Continue reading

For the last 20 years, online-elections have been his passion. Wolfgang Jung, our founder is still passionately pursuing his vision of digitalised democracy. We talked to him about POLYAS’ beginnings, its future and why he thinks Kassel is an under-valued city. Continue reading

The possible uses of Blockchain technology are numerous, for online voting platforms it offers another way of providing secure online elections. POLYAS relies on the same technology on a smaller scale but is also in the process of researching an entire election system designed around decentralised Blockchain technology. We interviewed Thomas Haines from our research department to learn more about Blockchain and what is behind the hype. Continue reading

Another weekend, and another series of interesting election news across the European continent. The Czech republic has gone to the polls for the second time in as many weeks, the Finnish election resulted in a landslide and Cyprus will need a run-off to decide their next president. Continue reading

Without any great upsets, the Czech presidential election is over. The first round was easily won by the incumbent president, Miloš Zeman. The second round of voting is set to take place in two weeks. Miloš Zeman’s opponent is the party-less Chemistry profession, Jiří Drahoš. As always, everything you need to know about the latest […]

The year comes to an end and POLYAS looks back on a successful and exciting 2017. We introduced new features, found new customer groups and offered fully serviced elections. Read more in our year review. Continue reading

There are clear differences between Professional associations and Regulatory Colleges in terms of both their purpose and governance. Today we will be clarifying the main aspects and difference between these often-confused institutions. Continue reading

Managing corporate elections can be a challenge, therefore we have put together our top tips to help your election process run a little smoother. Give Yourself Enough time. This is often overlooked as managing elections is often somewhat of an afterthought for many companies. There are three main things you need for to start your […]